Promise Kids (2-4 years)
The Way (K-5th Grade)
welcome to whole word kids!
We want all our children, from young to old, to be immersed in the presence and teachings of God. We have many opportunities to engage with your children on Sundays and throughout the week.
WORSHIP // 10:30AM
We value worshipping together as one family, from our youngest to oldest. Children are free to sing, dance, and move around the sanctuary as they feel led by the Holy Spirit.
All children and students are dismissed after worship. In class our children can encounter Him and grow in developing their own relationship with God through worship, Biblical teaching, activities, and fellowship.
promise kids
Our preschool program is for children ages 2-4 years old. During each class we worship, read Bible stories, and help kids to know God more fully.
Arrival/Free Play
Bible Lesson
The Way
Our elementary program is for kids K-5th Grade. We meet all together in the Fellowship Hall for worship, and then split into smaller groups by age to go over the lesson.
New here?
If you will be joining us for the first time, here are some easy steps to take to get your child ready!
For families
Private Nursing Room
We have a quiet private space for nursing mothers available in the classroom wing of the building.
We have a designated space for infants and toddlers years 0-2. All children must be supervised by a parent (no drop offs).
Main Lobby
Our lobby provides an open, flexible space for young families, with TVs livestreaming the service.